Monday, December 06, 2004

Winter Vacation Coming!

Winter vacation is justaround the corner. Don't let yourself get lazy when it comes to getting your schoolwork done and practicing your instruments.

8th Grade Guitar

- Some students have started a new project of music research and will be presenting an oral report to the class on their subject for the final project.
- Students who are still working in guitar are reminded to keep taking home their instruments home and bringing a note or proof to class. Keep up the great work!!!!
- Keep on working on your songs. We will be going to the computer lab on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th. The final draft is due when we return to school on January 3rd and 4th.

7th grade Music Appreciation

- Students need to have their gourd projects done on Tuesday, December 7th. I will do my best to finish the gourd bottoms in a timely fasion.
- We will start a new unit on keyboard music and computer music on Tuesday, Students will learn how to play a few songs on the keyboard. They will also learn computer technologis that go with music activities.

6th grade Music Appreciation

- Students have been working on songs on the keyboard and have learned the bass and melody for 2 songs songs so far, Hot Cross Buns and Pierott. Students learn the songs by rote and when they are ready they record the songs on the computer using GrageBand from Apple Computer.

6th Grade General Music

- The students have been working a great deal with the Cathedral Website. An interactive computer music website which allows students to compose music and collaborate on musical performances. I have included a link on the side if you would like to look at the site for yourself. We have been using the PitchWeb virtual music instrument to compose our songs.

Drum Ensembles
- The drum ensembles have just completed their Pet Treat Sale and it been a great success. On Saturday, December 4th we spent the entire day baking treats to fill the orders. Thanx for all your great help. Especially the parents who stayed all day to help out especially Mrs Lapascz, Mrs. Counard, Mrs. Delorraine, Mrs. Maas, Mrs. Lemieux, Mr. and Mrs. Coulard, and Mr. Christopherson. I really appreciate all your hard work. I would not have been able to do it without you.the next 2 months. The tickets are $5 dollars apeice and all monies go towards the drum ensembles. We hope to see you there.
- The drumming students will soon be selling tickets to our annual concert for