Wednesday, September 19, 2007

yet another

sleepy millie - 2

another test

boba drum

boba drum

boba drum


"boba drum" by digger1990

Another post but this time with the program ecto

boba drum


boba drum



"boba drum" by digger1990

Another post but this time with the program ecto

Another picture of my dog

sleepy millie - 1Here she is again with a sleepy look in her eyes.

My Dog Mildred

Miliie 1st Week.JPG

Just seeing how things link with my flickr account

marsedit software

boba drum

Trying out the other software to see how it works.

Using new software for posting

I'm still trying to work out some bugs with the new blogging software. I am hoping to have everything up and running by Monday. Let's cross our fingers.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another try

Trying to get the fonts and alignment to work right.

One of the drums I have built for music class
Where've you been?

It has been awhile, but I hope be posting regular news of music classes and goings on at MMS.