Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Voter Day!

Make sure you remind your parents to vote!

-8th Grade

Keep practising your guitars. We are doing a better job of getting the practice times in, but some of you are really letting things go, and your grade is suffering. We are having a test on Friday and Thursday on chords. Make sure you know them all:

am=a minor
em= e minor
AM/Am= A major
EM/Em= E major
E7= E seventh
A7= A seventh
DM= D major

Know what they look like and how to label them for the test.

-6th grade

Starting a new unit in music technology soon. Yopu may want to have a notebook for class and take notes.

-7th grade

Finishing making shakers for the next week

-5th grade

Continue with recorder. We have learned G-Do, F#-Ti, and we will learn A-Re this week. We will also continue with the boomwacker test and Major Duple/Triple. We will also start on Minor Duple/Triple, This Old Hammer, And playing Pierrot.

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