Monday, April 11, 2005

Testing, Testing !!!
-8th grade

√ Testing begins on Tuesday and Wednesday on Rock-a-My Soul

√ Students should continue to develop ideas for their original song.

√ On Thursday and Friday we will be going to the computer lab to get the ideas on paper.

-7th grade / 6th grade

√ We will continue to work on our music instruments.

-5th grade

√ Make sure you are completing your assignments in the book.

√ You need to be practicing you recorder playing assignments.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Guitar tests, Gourds, and Recorder concerts

8th Grade Guitar

- We will be having tests on Rock-A-My Soul in the next few days please be prepared!:)
- Students who are playing the guitar should start thinking about the subject of their song for the final project. We will be using class time to write the songs and show me your ideas.

6th and 7th grade Music Appreciation

- We will continue working on creating your gourd instruments. Please do your part to make sure you are helping to raise money for the fund raiser.
- Permission slips for the Drumming Marathon are due this week please rake the time to fill them out and hand them in to me. A.S.A.P.

6th grade General Music

- Please sign up for times to record your plays. You will only have one chance to record. Make sure you are prepared.

5th Grade
- Concert on May 4th, 2005
- Keep practising. :)

Keep working to bring in those pledges for the Drumming Marathon!!!!!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Vacation is Coming to an end!?!?!?!?!?!?!?I hope all of you have had a great Easter Break. I'm sure many of you spent the time practicing your music.:) I have personally been at school everyday this week working on school projects. A major goal is to convert all the tapes of concerts onto DVDs for future use. I burned 3 new DVDs and I put information from 10 videos onto my computer for later work. When you return to my class you will hopefully notice that I have finally cleaned out my office. It looks very nice and organized. Here are some things to keep in mind for the next week.

8th Grade

I'm sure all of you have been practicing everyday. I look forward to hearing your progress. You should have beed working on the following songs:

Rock-A-My Soul
Tom Dooley
If you are brave...Ring of Fire

Hopefully you have been keeping good track of your practice times!!!!=)

7th grade and 6th grade

Our gourds will be here on Monday. I'm excited about making all the great instruments. Please do your part to raise the money needed to pay for the instrument costs.

The Drumming Marathon will be this Friday and Saturday. Please get your permission slips in on time. I need to know the numbers of the students who will be attending to marathon.

5th grade

I know you have been practicing your recorders. Our concert is coming up very soon and I know we will be ready to go.

Keep up the great work collecting donations and pledges!!!!!!