Sunday, March 13, 2005

New Semester

8th grade

Monday - Continue testing on "Drunkin' Sailor"
Tuesday - Same
Wednesday - Introduce A Major, E Major, and E7
Thursday - I will be gone for the day.
Friday - Continue working on new chords and songs complete all of "Go Tell Aunt Rhody"

All students should contin ue to practice EVERYDAY for at least 15 minutes. Do not forget to bring proof of you practicing to school in the form of a note or your agenda signed by your parents.

7th Grade

I will be putting together the gourd orders today and will be sending out the order this week. We will continue to work on ensemble 2 and hopefully introduce new music on Wednesday.

6th Grade

Music Appreciation
Same as 7th grade

General Music
We will be working on choosing scripts for our radio plays. Each student will be working on choosing their own story, but will be working in groups to complete the project.

5th grade

Students should continue their work on "Twinkle, Twinkle". We will also learn more of "Louie, Louie" and start on "Hang On Sloopy".

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