Friday, October 22, 2004

A Long Week

Sorry for the hiatus it has been a busy week.


Mr. Schoeder and Mr. Okray have been busy auditioning students for the musical "The Nightmare Before Christmas". The results should be posted on Monday or Tuesday. Check the office window and listen to announcements.

So far the auditions have been excellent and we look forward to a successful musical.

*Music Appreciation - A 3 day week next week.

√ Guitar students
-Be prepared to possibly test on Rock-a-My Soul on Monday or Tuesday
-Keep up the practising over the break. I will be checking yourtimes when we return and you will recieve 2 grades for practise times.

√ 5th grade
-Recorder unit has started and I am very impressed by what I am hearing. Keep up the great work.
-Symphony @ Meniminee on Wednesday

√ 6th grade
-Working on the drumming unit which ends at the quarter.

√ 7th grade
-Finishing up the drumming.
-Students to bring beads for class.

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