Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Music Appreciation

8th grade

•Received music for A major, E major, and E7
-Rock-a-my soul
•Received new a minor/e minor music
-Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child

7th Grade

•Continued Work on Call and response
•Started new ensemble peice
•Reviewed the work done on Ensemble 1 and 2

6th Grade
◊Music Appreciation
•Continued with work oin Ensemble 2
•Reveiwed Call and response and improvisation

◊General Music
•Continued to look at signal processors and to have students use the equipment.
•We will soon begin using the computers and recording interveiws and announcements.

*Upcoming events for October
- October 7th - Young Americans concert begin at 4:00 at Marinette Middle School. If your son or daughter has not signed up for the music clinic and they are still interested there is plenty of time to do so. Please contact Mr. Okray for any information, 735-1580. If you are interested you can also check out the website for the Young Americans at http://youngamericans.org/

- October 9th - The concert for the Young Americans will begin at 7:30p.m at Marinette Middle School. The doors will open at 7:00. Tickets will be on sale starting Friday afternoon and evening at the Marinette Middle School. The prices are $8 for adults and $5 for children/students.

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