Monday, December 06, 2004

Winter Vacation Coming!

Winter vacation is justaround the corner. Don't let yourself get lazy when it comes to getting your schoolwork done and practicing your instruments.

8th Grade Guitar

- Some students have started a new project of music research and will be presenting an oral report to the class on their subject for the final project.
- Students who are still working in guitar are reminded to keep taking home their instruments home and bringing a note or proof to class. Keep up the great work!!!!
- Keep on working on your songs. We will be going to the computer lab on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th. The final draft is due when we return to school on January 3rd and 4th.

7th grade Music Appreciation

- Students need to have their gourd projects done on Tuesday, December 7th. I will do my best to finish the gourd bottoms in a timely fasion.
- We will start a new unit on keyboard music and computer music on Tuesday, Students will learn how to play a few songs on the keyboard. They will also learn computer technologis that go with music activities.

6th grade Music Appreciation

- Students have been working on songs on the keyboard and have learned the bass and melody for 2 songs songs so far, Hot Cross Buns and Pierott. Students learn the songs by rote and when they are ready they record the songs on the computer using GrageBand from Apple Computer.

6th Grade General Music

- The students have been working a great deal with the Cathedral Website. An interactive computer music website which allows students to compose music and collaborate on musical performances. I have included a link on the side if you would like to look at the site for yourself. We have been using the PitchWeb virtual music instrument to compose our songs.

Drum Ensembles
- The drum ensembles have just completed their Pet Treat Sale and it been a great success. On Saturday, December 4th we spent the entire day baking treats to fill the orders. Thanx for all your great help. Especially the parents who stayed all day to help out especially Mrs Lapascz, Mrs. Counard, Mrs. Delorraine, Mrs. Maas, Mrs. Lemieux, Mr. and Mrs. Coulard, and Mr. Christopherson. I really appreciate all your hard work. I would not have been able to do it without you.the next 2 months. The tickets are $5 dollars apeice and all monies go towards the drum ensembles. We hope to see you there.
- The drumming students will soon be selling tickets to our annual concert for

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Thanksgiving is coming!

Thanx to all the parents who came to vsit me during the conference times and find out about their child. Itwas great talking to all of you!


NO PRACTICE THIS THURSDAY MORNING FOR ALL CAST MEMBERS! I need to rehearse with the show choir on Thursday morning so we will not be able to have practice.


All students have small group rehearsals on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with Mr. Schroeder in the LMC. (8th, 7th, and 6th respectivley)


Make sure you are working on your costumes and biographies for your character. The assignments are due the week we come back from Thanksgiving break.


The concert is this Thursday, November 18th. All students should be there at 6:45. Show Choir students should be wearing black bottoms and white tops.

Thank you to all the students involved in the sleep over on Friday and Saturday. IT WAS A GREAT SUCCESS!!!!!!!!
Because of your efforts I know our concert will be great. YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No rehearsal on Friday and Monday after the concert. We will begin rehearsals for our next concert on Monday after the Thanksgiving break.



We have worked on Jambalya and Ring of Fire this week. Keep working on these songs at home when you are practising.

We will begin work on the final project this week. Start thinking about what you want you song to be about and what chords you are going to use in your song. You need to have 3 chord for each stanza of your song.


Keep up the great work in class.

7th grade is working on their shakere projects and are off to a good start.

6th grade is working on their keyboard skills and making great music.


We have just put together our materials for the students interveiws. We will begin interveiwing each other very soon. Listen for the interveiws on the radio, channel 91.3.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Voter Day!

Make sure you remind your parents to vote!

-8th Grade

Keep practising your guitars. We are doing a better job of getting the practice times in, but some of you are really letting things go, and your grade is suffering. We are having a test on Friday and Thursday on chords. Make sure you know them all:

am=a minor
em= e minor
AM/Am= A major
EM/Em= E major
E7= E seventh
A7= A seventh
DM= D major

Know what they look like and how to label them for the test.

-6th grade

Starting a new unit in music technology soon. Yopu may want to have a notebook for class and take notes.

-7th grade

Finishing making shakers for the next week

-5th grade

Continue with recorder. We have learned G-Do, F#-Ti, and we will learn A-Re this week. We will also continue with the boomwacker test and Major Duple/Triple. We will also start on Minor Duple/Triple, This Old Hammer, And playing Pierrot.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Young Americans Info.

The dvd of the concert should be available very soon. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you want a look at the pictures from the event check here and have fun

Friday, October 22, 2004

A Long Week

Sorry for the hiatus it has been a busy week.


Mr. Schoeder and Mr. Okray have been busy auditioning students for the musical "The Nightmare Before Christmas". The results should be posted on Monday or Tuesday. Check the office window and listen to announcements.

So far the auditions have been excellent and we look forward to a successful musical.

*Music Appreciation - A 3 day week next week.

√ Guitar students
-Be prepared to possibly test on Rock-a-My Soul on Monday or Tuesday
-Keep up the practising over the break. I will be checking yourtimes when we return and you will recieve 2 grades for practise times.

√ 5th grade
-Recorder unit has started and I am very impressed by what I am hearing. Keep up the great work.
-Symphony @ Meniminee on Wednesday

√ 6th grade
-Working on the drumming unit which ends at the quarter.

√ 7th grade
-Finishing up the drumming.
-Students to bring beads for class.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Music Appreciation

8th grade
Pactice your guitars. We are having test on Motherless Child and Rock a My Soul very soon.

5th grade
Your Recorders have arrived!!!!!! Your will get them on Friday and Monday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

From Mr. Okray

Back in the saddle again. I wasn't feeling well yesterday after the Young Americans Clinic so I stayed home. I am feeling a little drained still, but I know I can make it through the day.

Things to remember:

Next Week
*Oct. 20, 21, and 22 - Audition for the Musical "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
- The musical is open to all students in grades 7 and 8
- The Auditions on Wednesday are afterschool, Thursday (before and afterschool), and Friday (afterschool)

5th grade
The rtecorders will be arriving soon!!!! I am so excited to start the recorder unit.

8th Grade
Keep practicing your guitars. We are soon testing on Motherless Child and we will be practicing Allouette in class. Be prepared and look at the music ahead of time.

Day 1 people will be testing on Sailor on Thursaday. BE PREPARED.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Music Appreciation


8th grade guitar
Started testing on Drinkin' Sailor. Far too many people missed points for not having a note or their agenda signed for the practice times. You need to make sure you are keeping track of when you are practicing and when you cannot practice. You should make it a habit that everytime you practice you have your parents sign a note or your agenda. If you are practicing keep up the good work. :)

6th Grade General Music
Covered the Basics of recording on the computer. Students should be preparing to record themselves on the computer.

5th grade
The recorders should be arriving soon.:) I am excited to start playing in class!!!
Song covered in class today
-Major duple
-This Old Hammer
-Jamiacan Farewell

Drumming Ensemble
The High School Drum Ensemble (Rramackms Djackmms Rratsnk) will be playing for the M and M Fatherhood Alliance at the Railhouse. Tickets are available and the concert will start soon after 7p.m.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Young Americans RULE!!!!!!!!

Saturday night was the fina concert for the Young Americans Clinic at Marinette Middle School. If you missed it you are crazy!?!?!?!?!?!?

The first half was a dazzling display of incredible talent from an amazing group og young people. They performed their own arrangements of songs from popular music to gospel and ended the show with a medley of musical numbers. IT WAS FANTASTIC. Thesecond half of the show featured students from Marinette School District, Menominee High School, Cathlic Central H.S. and even Port Washington H.S. The students were amazing! I was so impressed by how much hard work they put in and the great music and dancing the created. They are truly amazing!

For those of you interested I will be putting together a DVD collection of Fridays rehearsl and the final student performance. This will be avalable in the next 2-3 weeks. I will also be posting a number of pictures to the internet since Ms. Deruyter and myself took a couple hundred photos of the concert. I will post more information later.

Music Appreciation News.

Guitar students:

Keep practicing all your music. We hav a test on Monday and Tuesday on Drunkin'sailor and then a test on friday and Monday on Motherless Child. I will be checking practice times all week so be sure to have you agenda signed or have a note from home.


Friday, October 08, 2004

Young Americans YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

The start of the Young Americans Clinic was spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On sale Friday @ 12:30 and 5:30 at the Marinette Middle School Gym

Onsale saturday @ 6:30.

The show starts at 7:30 and the doors open at 7:00.

Any ?????'s call Mr. Okray 735-1580

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Music Appreciation/Choir News

THE YOUNG AMERICANS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Young Americans are a group of college age students who tour the country conducting educational outreach concerts that help students experience the paower of the arts in their lives. They will be here for the next three days working with students from the Marinette School District. They will present a concert on Saturday night, October 9th at MARINETTE MIDDLE SCHOOL. The tickets for the concert go on sale Friday @ 12:30 and 5:30. You can also buy tickets on Saturday starting at 6:30. The doors for the concert will open at 7:00p.m. and the concert will start at 7:30. All the tickets are general seating.

I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For any questions please call Paul Okray at 735-1580

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Music Appreciation

8th grade

•Received music for A major, E major, and E7
-Rock-a-my soul
•Received new a minor/e minor music
-Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child

7th Grade

•Continued Work on Call and response
•Started new ensemble peice
•Reviewed the work done on Ensemble 1 and 2

6th Grade
◊Music Appreciation
•Continued with work oin Ensemble 2
•Reveiwed Call and response and improvisation

◊General Music
•Continued to look at signal processors and to have students use the equipment.
•We will soon begin using the computers and recording interveiws and announcements.

*Upcoming events for October
- October 7th - Young Americans concert begin at 4:00 at Marinette Middle School. If your son or daughter has not signed up for the music clinic and they are still interested there is plenty of time to do so. Please contact Mr. Okray for any information, 735-1580. If you are interested you can also check out the website for the Young Americans at

- October 9th - The concert for the Young Americans will begin at 7:30p.m at Marinette Middle School. The doors will open at 7:00. Tickets will be on sale starting Friday afternoon and evening at the Marinette Middle School. The prices are $8 for adults and $5 for children/students.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Music Appreciation

6th Grade
Radio Class
- Signal Processor Demo

7th Grade
No class - in choir

8th Grade
- Received Music for A major, E major, and E7
- Students need to remember to take their guitars home and practice.
- When practicing students need to have their agenda or a note signed as to how much they practiced.